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Global Markets in Turmoil, United We Stand

by Chirag Sharma
Global Markets in Turmoil, United We Stand

Investors are divesting and are in search of alternative safe haven assets.

This could result in global economies and businesses to face financial and profitability hardships in coming months and until the situation is stable.

It is true that in times of global crisis, the gold price experiences unexpected volatility levels which is good for gold trading businesses. Historically, Gold has proven the test of time as a safe haven asset in a global crisis.

However, to use corona virus pandemic as a stimulus to maximize your business profitability, may not be viewed as ethical, both by corporates and individuals.

We urge you that humanity comes first and this principle should not be contested to any gold trading businesses and self interests of profitability in these times.

As a business we can implement corporate social responsibility by promoting social distancing and working from home complemented by new flexible corporate policies to support the same.

Indeed, global markets are in turmoil, but united we stand to overcome this global pandemic.

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